Our Services
Designed to enhance the clients business and allow them the opportunity for sustainable growth.
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. specializes in environmental regulatory compliance studies concerning, environmental impacts, environmental programs, wildlife biology, cultural resources, noise impacts, wetlands delineations and mitigation, water quality, natural resources and hazardous waste.
Statement of Qualifications
Environmental/NEPA Process and Documentation
Bionomics Environmental has expertise in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and we have experience in all aspects of data collection, research, field surveys, field crew management and agency coordination in the development of NEPA documents. Bionomics Environmental has applied multiple federal guidelines to Federal, State, and local agency coordination, development of interagency technical teams for environmental compliance. Bionomics Environmental has a solid background in developing the following documents:
• Categorical Exclusion (CE)
• Environmental Assessment (EA)/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
• Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Record of Decision (ROD)
• Environmental Compliance
• Environmental Due Diligence Audit
• Environmental Evaluation and Reevaluation
Information developed through these environmental analyses is used during preliminary and final decision processes to assess environmental elements in an attempt to avoid or mitigate impacts to affected areas.
Archaeology and Architectural History
Bionomics Environmental cultural resource specialists complete project tasks on time and within budget, and comply with cultural resource laws, regulations, and guidelines for federally funded projects. Our cultural resource specialists are qualified in both archaeology and architectural history. We perform cultural resource, archaeological, architectural history and historical surveys crucial to environmental assessment. We perform archival background searches through agencies, such as the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) to determine locations of previously recorded cultural, historical, and archaeological sites in and around project areas.
Bionomics Environmental also conducts intensive pedestrian surveys (archaeological and architectural) of project areas to identify previously undocumented cultural resources and have performed multiple subsurface excavations. We prepare Archaeological and Historical Survey Reports (AHSR), which include maps, photos, and site forms in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). Bionomics Environmental provides additional services to address project impacts to cultural resources, which includes the following documents:
• Determination of Adverse Effect (DOAE)
• Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Bionomics Environmental cultural resource specialists conduct background research, assist in tribal consultation, perform pedestrian surveys and excavations, and develop documents and monitor document chain of command for project legal compliance. Our staff records prehistoric and historic sites, which includes documentation pertaining to language features, farms, homesteads, railroads, bridges, canals, and artifacts.
Wetland Delineations and Mitigation
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. personnel are proficient in identification, delineation, and classification of wetlands within impacted areas. Wetland impacts are assessed and wetland mitigation concepts are developed, in cooperation with local, State, and Federal agencies, to avoid, minimize or compensate for loss of wetlands. We coordinate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during our initial processes and throughout the issuance of the Section 404 Permit of the Clean Water Act.
Water Quality
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. addresses water quality and wetland issues during initial phases and finalizes determinations as part of environmental documentation. We review existing data to determine if water quality impacts are present, additional documentation is required, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and permits if necessary, and State water quality certification permits are necessary. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. provides stormwater pollution prevention plans if needed.
Cultural Resources, Archaeology and Architectural History
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. cultural resource specialists complete project tasks on time and within budget, and comply with cultural resource laws, regulations, and guidelines for federally funded projects. Our cultural resource specialists perform cultural resource, archaeological, architectural history, and historical surveys crucial to environmental assessment. We perform archival background searches through agencies, such as the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), to determine locations of previously recorded cultural, historical, and archaeological sites in and around project areas. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. also conducts intensive pedestrian surveys of project areas to identify previously undocumented cultural resources. We prepare Archaeological and Historical Survey Report, which includes maps, photos, and site forms in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. provides additional services to address project impacts to cultural resources, which includes the following documents:
• Determination of Adverse Effect (DOAE)
• Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. cultural resource specialists conduct background research, assist in tribal consultation, perform pedestrian surveys and excavations, and develop documents and monitor document chain of command for project legal compliance. Our staff records prehistoric and historic sites, which includes documentation pertaining to language features, farms, homesteads, railroads, bridges, canals, and artifacts.
U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, Section 4(f) Evaluation
If property is to be impacted by the project in question, Bionomics Environmental, Inc. conducts additional research in accordance with Section 4(f). The following resources are considered under the jurisdiction of Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966:
• Wild or Scenic Rivers
• Historic Sites
• Public Parks, Recreation Areas, and Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges
Biological, Wildlife, Vegetation, and Fisheries Resource Studies
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. conducts wildlife, vegetation, and fishery resource studies in compliance with NEPA regulations. We perform extensive consultation with resource agencies and execute fieldwork, which provides a foundation for accurate descriptions of environmental baselines in project areas. Project specific analyses of potential impacts rely on design information obtained during client coordination. Upon study completion, appropriate measures and actions designed to avoid or mitigate adverse effects can be recommended if needed.
Threatened and Endangered Species
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. prepares Biological Assessments (BA’s) and Biological Evaluations (BE’s) in compliance with Section 7 of the ESA of 1973, and State and local requirements. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. coordinates with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to identify threatened or endangered species within project areas. Field surveys, research, and analyses are conducted to determine presence of habitat and impacts to threatened and endangered species. Findings are then submitted to the USFWS and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service for consultations and determinations.
Noise Analysis and Mitigation
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. has performed noise analysis and mitigation for a wide range of noise issues in schools, industrial settings, mining operations and transportation. We have modeled and reported noise attributable to proposed activities using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM 2.5). The TNM 2.5 includes barrier analysis and has a range of applications, which includes noise effects and remedial activities. We measure ambient noise levels in the field using both a Bruel and Kjaer 2250 and the Casella CEL 593.C100 precision impulse integrating sound level meter, S1.4 Type 1. We have also performed preliminary design work on noise barriers and expert witness testimony in the noise field.
Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Audits
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. specializes in environmental regulatory compliance studies concerning air emissions, cultural resources, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, natural resources, environmental impacts, noise, pollution, environmental programs, pesticides, petroleum products, solid waste, storage tanks, toxic substances, wastewater, and water quality.
Hazardous Wastes/Materials
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. conducts site evaluations, which includes site history research, data collection, and report compilation to determine hazardous waste concerns, underground or above ground storage tank issues, and ground water contamination in or near project areas. The EPA and the State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) provide us additional regulatory information concerning project sites and vicinities. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. recommendations are based on project impacts and we prepare contingency plans as needed. We provide both remedial consulting and waste management services to save clients’ resources in waste management, remediation, and hazardous and non hazardous waste disposal.
Avian and Bat Studies
Bionomics Environmental, Inc. conducts pre-construction assessment surveys to estimate the spatial and temporal use for birds and bats at proposed wind-energy facilities. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. has available AnaBat detectors for field placement with the appropriate software in order to both identify and quantify bat populations. Additionally, we conduct post-construction use and mortality surveys to quantify the impacts of wind-energy facilities to local and migratory wildlife. By using trial carcasses in scavenger removal and searcher efficiency surveys, we reduce bias commonly associated with these studies, and more accurately estimate mortality rates for wind facilities.
Public and Agency Involvement
Public and agency involvement is essential to proposed projects. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. proficiently manages involvement processes, which includes public and agency meetings, public hearings, newsletter distribution, and continued coordination with affected agencies throughout project durations. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. can plan, coordinate and facilitate the public participation activities in accordance with Federal, State and agency requirements. Bionomics Environmental, Inc. can also facilitate internal problem solving sessions, and provide agency conflict communication training. We conduct community mediations to facilitate strategic planning, re-engineering and work team sessions to meet demands of organizational change.